“Don’t sweat the little things.”  How often have I heard that one?  I’ve seen pictures, drawings, Instagram posts, and so on of someone in a “situation” where the caption reads, “Don’t sweat the little things.”  There are endless how-to books written on the subject.  Workbooks, daily devotional books, journals – you name it.  There are myriad ways to not sweat the little things.

I tend to be a worrier.  I wonder if the latest “little thing” is really a big thing.  I worry about all the “what ifs.”  This roller coaster I’m riding is on one of those deceptively flat parts.  I hear the wheels going clickity-clack and it’s slowing down as I head toward the unknown.  My view is blocked so I don’t know if I’m approaching a stomach-lurching drop, a back-wrenching corkscrew turn, or if I am about to shoot straight up into a terrifying loop.

I really don’t have much to complain about.   I’m just finding myself getting increasingly annoyed by little things.  There are days when I just want to hide out someplace where no one will ever find me.  I want my old life back.  I’m tired of cancer, tired of daily pills, tired of fatigue (now that’s funny,) and am just plain tired.  There is no crystal ball to tell me what tomorrow will bring.  Maybe I’ll remain medically stable for a long time.  Maybe I’ll “beat the odds.”  Maybe I won’t.

The saying “don’t sweat the little things” assumes the little things are bad.  But what if they’re not all bad?  What if I’m spending my time and energy thinking about all the bad little things that shouldn’t annoy me (but do) when I could be looking for the good little things?  Maybe I could be seeking out little bits of joy, of peace, of contentment.  Those good things are there – side-by-side with the bad things.

So today I will try to look for the good things, the funny things, the things that bring me joy.  Yes, life can be hard, not just for me, but for every one of us. We all have days that are going to hurt.  It’s OK.   Yes, the world seems to be in chaos.  I can’t change that.  I can, however, try to live the words of the song by Ina D. Ogdon titled, “Brighten the Corner Where You Are.”  If you’re not familiar with the song, I recommend looking it up.  I loved that song when I sang it as a kid at church and remember belting out the chorus with great gusto.  If I could have one prayer answered today, that would be it – to brighten the corner where I am.  The little things can wait.  Maybe they’ll be gone by tomorrow.


Cancer has progressed to my bones.  I pray that it never enters my soul.


  1. It’s weird to see your thoughts written out by someone else. I waste so much time worrying about all the catastrophes I am certain that are heading my way that I forget to stop and enjoy the day. Then, I tell myself that was all for nothing and to not worry so much the next day…wash, rinse, repeat. Thank you for your exceptionally capturing what it feels like to be in our heads

  2. Went to YouTube to listen to “Brighten the Corner Where You Are.” Wonderful way to start the day. Thank you.

  3. Tammy McGuire

    I wonder if you fully realize the gift you’ve been given — to brighten your corner for the people who are lucky enough to wander into your circle — not the kind of blazing sun light that can’t be gazed at directly, but a warm and steady light, with not a hint of artificiality. I doubt you fully realize this gift, or minimize its impact because it may seem like a “little thing”. But no matter. It is there. Thank you.

    • Tammy, thank you so much for your kind words. I’m amazed and humbled to think that my words might have an impact on others. I’m grateful to be able to share my thoughts – even when they’re hard to get down on paper (or on the screen!) I’m moved beyond words. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  4. Carol!!!! Thank you! I have read this multiple times but especially needed it this morning. Thank you for your wise words and the reminder.
    Today I will try and brighten the corner I am in!! Sending Love!!! Xo Lisa

  5. Katrina Vesey

    So beautifully written, Carol, and inspiring once again without a doubt. Everything you said, is so right on! Continue to brighten your corner ~ what wonderful advice for all of us to follow in our lives. Much love to you and Marty, hope to see you soon. XOXO

  6. What words of wisdom. As always love what you share.

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