Humor is a strange thing.  What makes something funny?  Why do we laugh?  Why do we start laughing just because someone else is laughing?  Is it something we’re born with?  Have you ever watched a baby laugh?  Can you watch that and not laugh yourself?  Have you ever laughed until your stomach or sides hurt?  Or laughed until you cried?

Some people were born with a great sense of humor and others were obviously somewhere far away when the humor genes were being distributed.  Some have a dry sense of humor, and some will laugh at anything.  There are those with that enviable ability to come up with repartees that I can never think of until the moment has long gone.  There are “knock-knock” jokes, witty one-liners, and inside jokes that only you and one other person get.  There are the jokes that come into your email inbox that make you snort coffee all over your keyboard or phone.  (Some of you reading this are guilty of sending those to me.)

There are clean jokes and dirty jokes.  There are really funny jokes and those so corny that you just have to groan and roll your eyes.  There’s humor we call “appropriate” and humor we think is inappropriate but still makes us laugh, even though we try not to.  We’ve all done it, right?  Like when you’re in church and your pew mate does something funny (and probably inappropriate) and you do your very best not to laugh.  We all know we shouldn’t laugh in church – or should we?  Who made up that rule, anyway?

 What about gallows humor?  Talk about inappropriate!  That’s the humor that is sort of “cringey,” but still sort of funny.  It’s funny to those on the inside (those approaching the gallows), but those on the outside think, “How could you possibly laugh about that?”   Gallows humor for my husband and me runs something like this:  My 2004 Volvo station wagon could really use a new paint job.  The car still runs great, and I have no desire to replace it with a newer and more expensive model.  Shall we spend the money on a paint job when we don’t know “how long I have?”  Shall I dare my husband to call my medical oncologist and ask (remember Loretta in “Moonstruck”), “How near death is she?” 

Humor can take the edge off an uncomfortable situation and Stage IV cancer could very probably qualify as an uncomfortable situation.  I look at it this way:  Two top authorities – the Bible and Reader’s Digest both promote humor and laughter.  OK, so maybe they’re not top authorities, but they are certainly both well-known and widely read publications.  In the Bible, Proverbs 17:22, Good News Translation says, “Being cheerful keeps you healthy.  It is a slow death to be gloomy all the time.”  Ecclesiastes 3:4, King James Version says, “A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.”  If you pick up any Reader’s Digest (I assume the publication is still around) and look for the “Laughter is the Best Medicine” section, I guarantee you’ll find something there to make you at least chuckle.  

So, bring on the laughter, bring on the dancing.  Yes, there will be a time for mourning, but that day is not today.


Cancer has progressed to my bones.  I pray that it never enters my soul.


  1. “Mr. President, Why are you always telling another joke? You diminish the dignity of your office.” -Edward Stanton (Secretary of War)

    “Mr. Stanton, my heart is so heavy that if I couldn’t laugh it would break.” -Abraham Lincoln (U.S. President)

  2. Your soul is impervious. Thanks for your words here!

  3. Katrina Vesey

    Thank you sweet Carol, for another incredible and insightful entry! A wonderful reminder to all of us that laughter IS the best medicine! It has reminded me as well of the many times throughout the years, when I have laughed until I cried….and uncontrollably! I remember feeling a bit out of control, and unable to reign my emotions. But, it was SO fun, cleansing and needed. Also, I know you have heard this before. Family and friends are the flowers of life!! You have a colossal garden, Carol ~ don’t ever forget it. Much love to you and Marty.

  4. Judy Condie Giuliano

    Reader’s Digest lives on, we’ve been getting a copy from friends lately. Laughter is always prevalent around you and Marty.

    • That’s good to know, Judy. I may have to look into a subscription. It’s been years since I picked one up, but it was always entertaining.

  5. Mariana Moncada

    Thank you, Carol for sharing your wisdom and sharing your depth. I love reading your blog. I did not know that you can’t laugh in church!

    • Mariana, I always got “THE LOOK” from my mom when I laughed in church. I think people have lightened up a bit over the years – or at least I hope they have.

  6. You forgot to quote Norman Cousins ! He wrote about using laughter to endure a serious illness. We all need to enjoy and appreciate life as long as we’re on this crazy planet, and I know Marty keeps you laughing.

  7. Carol you are an amazing writer and I have loved reading each of your posts. Thank You!!! Thank you for this beautiful reminder as I start my day. Thank you for putting a smile on my face! Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us. We will keep laughing with you.

  8. David M Brillhart

    Carol, thanks for inviting me in to your thoughts and experience. I always enjoy your wit and perspective, and especially your friendship. And now I know when I visit and you hear me say something like “snap out of it!” or “I’m confused!” we really are woven from the same genes. Keep on keeping on.

  9. I love your quote from the Good News translation of Proverbs 17:22 (a new rendition of this verse for me), “It is a slow death to be gloomy all the time.” Hahaha! It actually made me laugh! A very good reinforcement of your point: Bring on the laughter! Thank you!

  10. craigandcindycoxnet

    Thanks Carol for this timely reminder! I really needed this today! I could hear your laugh as I was reading this. We have had so many wonderful laughs with you guys, like protecting Snoopy and others from the vicious Marty and Cindy! Continued love and prayers! We sure do miss you guys.

  11. Thanks Carol for this timely reminder! I needed this especially today! Love and miss you guys! Continued love and prayers!

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