Welcome to my blog

Cancer is an ugly and scary word – a word that is life-changing.  It is life-changing, not only for the person receiving the diagnosis, but also for the loved ones of that person.  Being scary, though, doesn’t have to mean that one’s life must be lived in fear.  To do that would allow fear to take the place of hope, joy, contentment, and of appreciation of all that is good and beautiful.  Viktor E. Frankl said it well: “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing:  the last of human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”  I’m so thankful that I can choose my own way.

The thoughts and opinions I’ve expressed here are my own unless I’ve shared the source from another writer.  I’m not a doctor and I don’t play one on TV.  I’m just a woman with Stage IV breast cancer who hopes that my words might give you a glimpse into my world.  If my words encourage and inspire you, then I will be satisfied.


Cancer has progressed to my bones.  I pray that it never enters my soul.